juv.one consulting is the freelance management consultancy of Jens-Uwe Vogel.


Jens-Uwe Vogel

Since 2024

Freelance business consultant
juv.one consulting

1993 – 2024

Co-founder and Managing Director of Vogel Software, later renamed VSX – Vogel Software; development of the company from a two-man operation to an internationally active software house; activities in all areas of the company, such as
– sales and marketing,
– key account management and customer support,
– finance and legal affairs,
– product development and management
VSX – Vogel Software

1989 – 1994

Study in mechanical engineering, specializing in applied mechanics
Diploma thesis on the investigation of fluid-structure interactions using a micromechanical valve
Degree Diplomingenieur in mechanical engineering
Technische Universität Dresden

1987 – 1989

Industrial mechanic for special assemblies in heavy engineering
SKET Spezialmontagen Weimar

Aircraft mechanic in the engine/airframe area (basic military service)

1984 – 1987

Vocational training as a machine fitter in heavy mechanical engineering
Graduated as a skilled worker, high school diploma
SKET Berufsschule Magdeburg

Jens-Uwe Vogel